Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Original Rubber Stamp Convention

OMG was this weekend not only a fun filled because I got to hang out with my man men, spend quality mom & daughter time with my mom, but it was also THE ORIGINAL RUBBER STAMP CONVENTION in my own back yard! (Plus the three day weekend was a bonus haha) It was literally held five minutes from my home in San Jose and held at the Rosewater Hall! WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS?! One of my best friends and craft buddy called me two weeks before and when I looked at the vendors that would be attending I had to be there! I seriously almost placed in order with both Invoke Art AND Lost Designs, but held off. God must have been trying to tell me something, because that's when I got the call from my buddy lol. So no need to pay shipping or waiting! I got what I wanted right in my hands. Invoke didn't have two of the stamps I wanted, but that's okay, here are just a few pix of the goodies I got. Next? SCRAPBOOK EXPO!!!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. So cool!!! Oh, I have those stamps from IA's too, love the dressform set & the art ticket stamp. I'm from the Bay Area too, small world Leilanie!! :-)
